“The Journey” is a six week class designed to help couples understand and learn new ways of dealing with conflict in relationships. The material presented is applicable to any relationship, but specifically targets romantic relationships.
This 6–week couple’s class is offered annually. Cost is $60 per couple for books and supplies.
For more info about the next class please Contact Us.
To register for the next Journey Class submit your Couple’s Class Registration Form now! (This class is limited to 8 couples.)
The class uses the Bible’s exodus story as its underlying theme. Just as the Israelites were led from bondage in Egypt to a new life in the Promised Land, “The Journey” leads couples from the land of conflict to the land of meeting each other’s relational needs.
This interactive six week class challenges couples to transform every aspect of their relationship. Not simply a crisis intervention, this class is for any married, engaged, or dating couple that wants to enhance their relationship. It will benefit couples that have been together for 40 days or 40 years. It doesn’t matter if you feel totally connected to one another or you’ve realized you’ve grown apart. No matter where you are in your relationship, you will gain a greater understanding of your individual marital dynamic while learning relevant tools to improve that dynamic.
Class lessons include:
Week 1 (Into Egypt): The Anatomy of Relationships and Arguments
How are relationship supposed to work? How does our family of origin and our past experience in relationship influence the way we handle conflict?
Week 2 (Life in Bondage): Our Patterns of Relating to One Another
Disagreements are inevitable, but how do simple disagreements accelerate into full blown arguments? Why is it so difficult to get out of an argument once you get into it?
Week 3 (The Exodus): Moving Out of Conflict
How do you break free of old ways of dealing with conflict? How do you move from arguing to understanding?
Week 4 (Wandering in the Wilderness): Learning a New Dance
How can you make it easier for your partner to listen to you? How do you receive criticism without becoming defensive? How do you create an environment where your partner feels safe and comfortable being honest?
Week 5 (Jericho): Overcoming the Hard Things
How do you re-establish trust? How do you forgive the past? How do you get rid of habits that are harming your relationship?
Week 6 (Life in the Promised Land): Meeting Each-Other’s Relational Needs
How do you know what your partner really need from you? How can you “coach” your spouse to be all that you need?

Pastor Rod and Nicole
Couple's Ministry Leaders