Men’s Bible Study (Wed at 7pm)

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Date(s) - Oct/17/2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


For more info about this class please email Pastor Rod directly.

1Guard-the-Heart-Ministries-Mens-Discipleship-Group-300width-265x300Iron-to-Iron Men’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday’s from 7pm-8:30pm in Glendale Heights, IL.

Iron-to-Iron is a men’s group that has been taught by Pastor Rod since 2003 and is designed not only to grow men in their understanding of the Word, but to equip them to use it in their lives by concentrating on its practical application.

This group is intentional about coming to know what God intends for the life of a man.

Iron-to-Iron is currently studying the book of Revelation.