Heartland Bible Church is a return to a more intimate form of church.

It is modeled after the believers described in the book of Titus (chapter 2) where mature followers of Christ mentor a younger generation of Christ followers.

Jesus followed the teaching style of the day, in which the teacher communicated Biblical truth in a more down-to-earth way, while welcoming dialogue and answering questions. Heartland has adopted this same style of teaching.

It’s a church where members are engaged and participating. It’s a place where the Scriptures are not only taught, but discussed. A place where questions are not only welcomed, but encouraged.

It’s a place where members are actively involved in encouraging one another and praying for one another. Heartland Bible Church is a place where people are built up, strengthened, and revived.

We are a worshiping church and a missional church. This mean we seek out and find people who are hurting and then we demonstrate the love of Christ in tangible ways. We watch hurting people be healed and set free!

Acts 2:44 says, “And all who believed were together and had all things in common.”

Heartland Bible Church is a church where believers “have all things in common.” Having all things in common simply means doing life together.

No false impressions. No pretending. No hypocrisy. A place where you can be yourself. No forced smiles. No pressure. No pretenses.

It’s a church where people share their victories and struggles and it’s a church where it is comfortable to reach out for help.

We recognize many people have become disillusioned with church. And we understand some people will choose not to attend church at all rather than attend a fake one. We realize there are people who no longer want man-made traditions or religion. Heartland’s vision is for people to have a real, fresh encounter with the Lord.

We pray that Heartland Bible Church becomes a place where you encounter Jesus often! We also  pray Heartland Bible Church will always be a beacon of hope and light “to those who sit in darkness.” (Luke 1:79a)

If you join us, you’ll soon learn that Heartland Bible Church is an organic church where you can experience joy and laughter. It is a place where the Scriptures are taught in a way that encourages life application. It is also a place where the brokenhearted can find healing … a place where the lost can be found.

Heartland is a haven where those who have been beaten down by the effects of living in a broken world can find refuge, stability, and peace.

Interestingly, Jesus did not fit in with traditional religious life and neither does Heartland Bible Church. Come be a part of something different!

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2

(Although this Scripture specifically refers to the role of Elders, Heartland Bible Church believes this universal principle can be applied to ministry leaders as well.)

Bible Verse of the Day

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.


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