Where Exactly Are You Located?
Heartland is a located at 206 N. Wood Dale Road, Wood Dale, IL. (Formally known as Wood Dale Community Church and currently owned by The Center in Itasca.)
Where Should I Expect When I Visit?
When you visit Heartland you’ll find sound, expository Biblical teaching with relevant, practical life application of the Scriptures. We invite you to come as you are and just be yourself!
What Is Heartland’s Dress Code?
At Heartland we dress casually, comfortably, and respectfully as we enter into the presence of the Lord.
What Is Heartland’s Story?
Heartland Bible Church is a newer church and we offer a contemporary style of worship in a warm, friendly environment. Our mission is to Glorify God, equip God’s people, and offer hope to the hurting.
What Do You Offer For Kids?
We work hard to provide fun, safe, and excellent programming where kids can learn about God. We offer Kid’s Church for our young Heartland members and a safe nursery experience for the littlest ones. Learn all about our Kids Church HERE.
What Type Of Security Protocols Are In Place?
Heartland has made safety and security a priority. We have a Security Team that oversees the safety of all people in the building.