What denomination is Heartland Church?

Heartland Church is a non-denominational church.


Where is Heartland located?

We are located at 206 N. Wood Dale Road, Wood Dale, IL 60191 (Formally known as Wood Dale Community Church and now owned by The Center in Itasca.)

Do you have COVID-19 safety procedures in place?

Yes we do! Please CLICK HERE for more information about our COVID-19 policies and protocols.

Does Heartland offer Kid's Church?

Heartland offers Kid’s Church and Nursery Care during our worship service for children aged infant to 5th grade. The nursery is open for infants and preschoolers and our Kids Church is available for children Kindergarten-5th grade. For more info about Children’s Ministry please CLICK HERE.

What does Heartland's church government look like?

Heartland has a Board Of Directors which serves as Heartland’s Deacon Board. They oversee Heartland’s ministries, financial accounting, and approve church expenditures.

In addition, Heartland believes the Bible calls for the plurality of Elders. Our Elders focus on the spiritual direction of the church and are responsible for shepherding, overseeing, leading, and caring for church members.

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2

(Although this Scripture specifically refers to the role of Elders, Heartland Bible Church believes this universal principle can be applied to ministry leaders as well.)